红网时刻新闻记者 陈加宁 张盟 通讯员覃芳华 吴玉 报道
By Chen Jianing, Zhang Meng and Qin Fanghua, Wu Yu
6月2日,中国援助塞拉利昂医疗物资捐赠仪式在中塞友好医院举行。中国驻塞拉利昂大使王擎、塞拉利昂卫生部官员Mathew Vandi、中国(湖南)第24批援塞拉利昂医疗队队长陈勇军及医疗队全体队员、中塞友好医院院长Sarah Conth及医院管理团队出席仪式。
On June 2, the donation ceremony of medical supplies from China to Sierra Leone was held at the China-Sierra Leone Friendship Hospital. Wang Qing, the Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone, along with Mathew Vandi, an official from the Ministry of Health of Sierra Leone, Captain Chen Yongjun, the leader of the 24th Chinese (Hunan) medical team sent to Sierra Leone, and all the members of the medical team, attended the donation ceremony. Also in attendance were Sarah Conth, the director of the China-Sierra Leone Friendship Hospital, and the hospital"s management team.
The donated medical supplies included a range of essential equipment and protective materials. Among the regular protective items such as ventilators, oxygen concentrators, phlegm suction devices, pulse oximeters, respiratory tubing, protective clothing, goggles, surgical masks, surgical gloves, hats, isolation gowns, and hand sanitizers, there were also surgical instruments for orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, general surgery, and ophthalmology.
Ambassador Wang Qing pointed out that this year marks the 50th anniversary of China sending medical teams to assist Sierra Leone. Over the past 50 years, Chinese medical teams have provided high-quality medical services to the local people of Sierra Leone. The 24th medical team has donated a substantial amount of medicines and equipment to the China-Sierra Leone Friendship Hospital, with the hope of assisting in its operation and development, and benefiting an increasing number of local patients. Best wishes for the steady and enduring friendship between China and Sierra Leone.
捐赠仪式上,Mathew Vandi代表塞拉利昂卫生部对中国给予的合作和支持表示了感谢。他说,中国医疗队每年捐赠大量的药械,使无数患者重获健康。
During the donation ceremony, Mathew Vandi, on behalf of the Ministry of Health of Sierra Leone, expressed gratitude for the cooperation and support provided by China. He acknowledged that the annual donation of a large quantity of medical supplies by the Chinese medical teams has helped numerous patients regain their health.
Ambassador Wang Qing stated that fruitful cooperation in the field of healthcare has been carried out between China and Sierra Leone over the long term. The Chinese medical teams have assisted Sierra Leone in enhancing its capacity to respond to the pandemic and manage diseases. They have been widely welcomed and have received positive feedback nationwide in Sierra Leone.
"We are pleased to see the diligent efforts and tremendous contributions made by the 24th medical team from Hunan Province in Sierra Leone. They have greatly contributed to the cooperation in the healthcare sector between China and Sierra Leone as well as the development of the bilateral relationship," he said.
Ambassador Wang Qing expressed his hope that through this donation ceremony, the China-Sierra Leone Friendship Hospital will be further improved in its capacity building. With elevated healthcare standards, it will be able to assist the local people in achieving a better quality of life. In conclusion, he extended his best wishes for the steadfast and far-reaching friendship between China and Sierra Leone.